Welcome to the Yarnworker School of Weaving. The first community-funded, virtual classroom for rigid-heddle weavers. My name is Liz Gipson and I've been a weaving teacher for over 15 years. My mission is to share rigid-heddle know-how. with the world! 

While we weave lots of things at the Yarnworker School, my focus isn't really on the thing, its on the know-how it takes to make the thing. Whether you are a beginner and in need a few foundational classes, or you have been weaving for a while and want to challenge yourself in the company of your fellow weavers, you have found a space to do so.

I have long been smitten with the power of the rigid-heddle loom. I've written books and taught countless workshops on weaving in every kind of imaginable venue. My approach to learning is that it is cumulative. We take on knowledge in stages. There is no "there" to get to—we are constantly learning. It has long been a dream of mine to create a series of classes, each that builds on the other to take weavers from overwhelmed beginner to confident weaver of cloth. I created Yarnworker.com and the Yarnworker School as a way to share this love of the loom with folks who may not have the benefit of a weaving teacher or shop in their area. 

The Yarnworker School was built virtual brick-by-virtual brick through the generous support of the Yarnworker patron community. This amazing group of supporters has provided the financial means for me to get the school off the ground and to keep it running. In return, they get my undying thanks and a host of rewards and benefits. If you would like a behind-the-scenes look, class discounts, early access, a say in what we weave during the weave-alongs, and other goodies, please consider becoming a patron. 

Yarnworker Classes

Over the next year, I'll be rolling out a series of classes to build your foundational skills. The first class, which already launched, assumes you know nothing about weaving on a rigid-heddle loom and walks you through all the foundational information you need from loom mechanics, terminology, selecting yarns, setting up the loom, reading a weaving pattern, weaving with confidence, and finishing strong.

Future classes will build on this foundation and cover topics such as designing, warping and weaving for stripes, checks, plaids, and color-and-weave; the three faces of weave—warp faced, weft-faced, and balanced; using a pick-up stick; and designing your own projects.

Yarnworker Weave-Alongs

If you already have a few foundational skills, I invite you to participate in the School's weave-alongs, where we tackle big projects together. I assume that you know a thing or two about weaving on a rigid-heddle loom, are comfortable with the terminology, and can warp your loom. That said, I encourage you to jump in. You never know what you can do until you try. 

The Four Looks Towels Weave-Along Weave-Along, our first on this new platform, will be free in perpetuity. Other weave-alongs are free while they are active and during the 30-day grace period. After this time, you will need to pay a small registration fee to help fund future weave-alongs. As long as you are registered, the course is available to you at the same cost you registered for—either free or fee. I'm able to host these weave-alongs due to the generous support of the Yarnworker Patreon Community

Keep Up-To-Date

Becoming a Patreon is the best way to keep current on what's coming up at the Yarnworker School. You may also want to hop on the Yarnworker mailing list. I send out a robust monthly newsletter with Yarnworker happenings and weaving news of interest. I’ll periodically update this page as things are happening. Additionally, you can click "blog" or "weave-along" as an interest to get my blog delivered directly to your inbox and receive specific newsletters related to the weave-alongs.

Additional Link Love

To learn more about the rigid-heddle loom, visit yarnworker.com/rigid-heddle-faq/

To learn more about the history of the weave-alongs and school, visit yarnworker.com/yarnworker-weave-alongs-and-school-faq/

I am so grateful for everyone who has joined me on this journey. Whether you have been with me since the very beginning or are just joining in, you are most welcome. I thank you for your support, your patience, your enthusiasm, and most of all, your willingness to learn together.

Heddles Up!


Ready to start weaving?

Start at the beginning with Weaving 101